Children's Health Screening
The package includes a thorough History & Physical Examination, along with key investigations like Complete Blood Count (CBC), ESR, Peripheral Smear, Urine R/M, and Stool R/M.

Basic Wellness Screening
This package includes a detailed History & Physical Examination, along with key investigations like Complete Blood Count (CBC), ESR, Random Blood Sugar, Blood Grouping, Serum Cholesterol, and Urine R/M.

Essential Health Check-Up
This comprehensive package is designed to give you a clear picture of your overall health. It includes a History & Physical Examination, Complete Blood Count (CBC), ESR, Random Blood Sugar, Blood Grouping, Serum Cholesterol, and Urine R/M.

Women’s Wellness Package
Tests Included: History & Physical Examination Hematology: CBC (Hb, TLC, DLC, PCV, RBC, Platelet Count, MCV, MCH, MCHC) ESR Peripheral Smear Blood Sugar (Fasting & PP) Blood Grouping & Rh Typing Urine R/M

Advanced Women's Wellness Package
Comprehensive health screening includes history & physical examination, CBC, ESR, liver & kidney profiles, iron studies, blood sugar (Fasting & PP), lipid & thyroid profiles, Hepatitis B, ECG, X-Ray Chest (PA View), and Ultrasound (Whole Abdomen).

Men's Health Plus Check
This package includes essential tests like CBC, ESR, Peripheral Smear, Blood Sugar (Fasting & PP), Blood Grouping & Rh Typing, Urine & Stool R/M, and a detailed Liver Profile (Bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, GGT, etc.).

Lifestyle Wellness Screening
This comprehensive package includes CBC, ESR, Blood Sugar (Fasting & PP), Pap Smear (Female) or PSA (Male), Liver and Kidney Profiles, Lipid and Thyroid Profiles, Hepatitis B screening, Iron Studies.

Premier Wellness Screening with Vitamins
This advanced package includes all Lifestyle Wellness Screening tests-CBC, ESR, Blood Sugar (Fasting & PP), Pap Smear (Female) or PSA (Male)

Comprehensive Wellness Screening
This package includes a detailed physical examination, CBC, ESR, Blood Sugar (Fasting & PP), Liver and Kidney Profiles, Lipid Profile, X-ray chest, ECG, and Ultrasound (Whole Abdomen).

Platinum Wellness Screening
It includes all tests from the Comprehensive Screening-CBC, ESR, Blood Sugar (Fasting & PP), Liver and Kidney Profiles, Lipid Profile, X-ray chest, ECG, and Ultrasound (Whole Abdomen)-plus Pap Smear (Female)/PSA (Male)

Diabetes Care Screening
This package includes a thorough physical examination, Blood Sugar (Fasting & PP), HbA1C, Urine Sugar, Serum Cholesterol, Creatinine, and an Eye Checkup. Ideal for those prioritizing diabetes care.

Basic Cardiac Health Screening
This essential screening includes a physical exam, CBC, Blood Sugar, ECG, Lipid Profile, Liver Profile, Kidney Profile, X-ray Chest, and a Cardiologist Assessment.

Comprehensive Cardiac Health Screening
This extensive package includes a physical exam, CBC, Blood Sugar, ECG, Lipid Profile, Liver Profile, Kidney Profile, X-ray Chest, and a Cardiologist Assessment.

Male Cancer Screening
This comprehensive screening includes a physical exam, CBC, ESR, Peripheral Smear, PSA, X-ray chest, Ultrasound of the Whole Abdomen, CEA, Stool for Occult Blood, and an Oncologist Assessment.

Female Cancer Screening
This essential screening includes a physical exam, CBC, ESR, Pap Smear, CA-125, Ultrasound (Whole Abdomen & Breast), Mammography (for women over 35), Stool for Occult Blood, and an Oncologist Assessment.